Toru Namikoshi, Translated by Hikari Ikenaga, Shiatsupractor & Judy Thompson, Shiatsupractor
It is best to do shiatsu for the asthma suffer when they are calm and not experiencing an acute attack. When the person is calm, shiatsu will improve their condition and help prevent asthma attacks.
Patient in Ouga position
Start from the left anterior Stenocleidmastoid to relieve the tension in this area as well as the Vegas Nerve. With the patient lying on their right side in Ouga position and the head resting on a pillow, place your le\ft hand on the forehead. Hold the posterior cervical spine with the thumb on the patient’s left side and the four fingers on the right side. Gently pull the head (pushing against the base of the skull), to stretch the neck for five to eight seconds. This will relieve the narrowing of the bronchial tubes as well as spasms. Next, perform Shiatsu on the lateral cervical, medulla oblongata, posterior cervical-as well as the entire neck region, as well as in the basic treatment. Then Seiza (Kneeling) at the top of the patients head, with the left thumb perform Shiatsu on the anterior, lateral and posterior cervical areas, as well as on the Supraspinatus and muscles Infraspinatus. Next, from behind the patient, place one hand on the left scapula with the other on top (hand-on-hand). Using the two hands and cupping (slight suction) motion make counter clock wise circles ten times, then make clock wise circles ten time. Then repeat the treatment from the beginning on the right side.
Patient in Fukuga position
Treat both sides, Suprascapular, and Infrascapular regions. Place both hands on either side of the spine with the thumbs touching (hands made a “W”) and the heel of the hand at the level of the diaphragm. With cupping action (Kyuin-Appo), push up and down (similar to the adjustment for back position in the basic treatment) ten times. Then spread the fingers open and repeat the up and down motions ten times. Then open a space between the thumbs (move the hands slightly to the lateral) and repeat the up and down motion again ten times. Repeat this up and down pattern (using the three hand positions) several times.
Patient in Gyoga position
Kneel at the head (Seiza), hold both shoulders with the four fingers of each hand on the deltoid muscle and the thumbs in the Delto-Pectral region. Press 5 or 6 points in the Delto-Pectral groove. Then, with the thumbs, treat the pectoral region (intercostals muscles) and the sternum. Treat this area with palm pressure as well. Next, do the basic Shiatsu treatment for the abdomen. Next, treat the area of the abdomen just under the ribs, 5 or 6 points on each side.
Patient in Seiza position (Kneeling position)
First, treat the whole neck (anterior, lateral, posterior, cervical), the supra scapular and Infrascapular areas. Have the patient clasp her/his hands behind their back, holding them at the sacrum. Stand behind the patient and place the hands around the shoulders. Pull the shoulders back and hold for ten seconds. Do this several times to open up the chest area.